Stock market today

A stock market, equity market, or share market is the collection of buyers and sellers of stocks (also known as shares), which represent ownership claims on businesses.

These securities may include stock that is only traded privately, such as shares of private companies that are offered to investors through equity crowdfunding platforms, as well as stock that is listed on a public stock exchange.

Stockbrokers and traders can buy and sell shares (equity stock), bonds, and other securities on a stock exchange, also known as a bourse.

This increases the stock’s liquidity and, as a result, its allure to many investors. Additionally, the exchange might guarantee settlement. Additionally, these and other stocks might be traded “over the counter” (OTC), i.e. by way of a dealer.

In order to draw in foreign investors, some large corporations will list their stock on multiple exchanges in various nations.
Other securities, such as fixed-interest securities (bonds) or (less frequently) derivatives, which are more likely to be traded OTC, may also be covered by stock exchanges.

Small individual stock investors to larger, international participants in the stock market, such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds, and hedge funds, are all possible. A stock exchange trader may carry out their buy or sell orders in their place.

Some exchanges are actual places where transactions are made using the open outcry trading method on a trading floor. Trades are conducted using this method, which involves traders shouting the bid and offer prices, on some stock exchanges and commodities exchanges. The other kind of stock exchange uses an electronic trading system that is supported by a network of computers. The NASDAQ is an illustration of one of these exchanges.

A potential seller and buyer each place a specific asking price for the same stock in their respective bids. When you buy or sell a stock at the market, you agree to accept either the ask price or the bid price. If there are multiple bidders at the same price, a sale occurs when the bid and ask prices match on a first-come, first-served basis.

A stock exchange’s main function is to serve as a marketplace by facilitating the exchange of securities between buyers and sellers. Price discovery is made easier by the exchanges’ provision of real-time trading information on the listed securities.
The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is a physical exchange with a hybrid market that allows investors to place orders both electronically and on-site.

When there are no other buyers or sellers, the DMM must place orders to buy and sell the security in order to maintain a two-sided market. If there is a bid-ask spread, no trade occurs right away; in this case, the DMM may use their own assets (cash or stock) to close the gap.

The brokerage firm notifies the investor who placed the order after the trade has been completed and the details have been recorded on the “tape” and sent back. Computers are essential, particularly for program trading.

The entire trading process at the electronic exchange known as the NASDAQ takes place over a computer network. It works in a manner akin to the New York Stock Exchange. There will always be one or more NASDAQ market makers.

The Paris Bourse is an electronic stock exchange that is order-driven and is currently a part of Euronext. In the late 1980s, it was computerized. It consisted of an open outcry exchange prior to the 1980s. On the Palais Brongniart’s trading floor, stockbrokers gathered. The order matching system became fully automated with the introduction of the CATS trading system in 1986.

People who trade stocks will typically prefer to do so on the exchange that receives the most volume because it offers the greatest number of potential counterparties (buyers for a seller, sellers for a buyer), as well as likely the best price. Alternatives, such as brokers attempting to connect parties to trade outside the exchange, have, however, always existed.
Instinet and, later, Island and Archipelago were two popular third markets.


Owning stock entails this. As a shareholder, you have the right to vote and a claim on the assets and profits of the company.
Bonds are debt; stocks are equity. Bondholders have a higher claim than shareholders because they are guaranteed a return on their investment. Generally speaking, this is the reason why stocks are viewed as riskier investments and demand a higher rate of return.
With stocks, your entire investment could be lost. On the other hand, if you invest in the right business, you can make a lot of money.

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