Google Stock

Google Stock serves as a holding company for an American multinational technology conglomerate. Google underwent a reorganization on October 2, 2015, which led to its creation. It consequently took on the role of Google’s parent company and several other former Google subsidiaries.

By revenue, Alphabet is the third-largest technology company in the world and one of the most valuable businesses. Along with Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, and Meta, it is regarded as one of the Big Five American technology companies.

To make the core Google business “cleaner and more accountable” while giving group companies that run in industries other than Internet services more autonomy, Alphabet Inc. was founded. In December 2019, the company’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, announced their resignation from their executive positions. Sundar Pichai, who is also the CEO of Google, will take over as CEO. Alphabet Inc.

It is a holding company, Alphabet Inc. Google Cloud, Google Services, and Other Bets are among the company’s segments. Products and services like ads, Android, Chrome, hardware, Google Maps, Google Play, Search, and YouTube are all part of the Google Services segment. The Google Cloud segment offers enterprise customers platform and infrastructure services, collaboration tools, and other products and services.

The sale of health technology and Internet services are included in the Other Bets segment, along with earlier stage technologies that fall outside of Google’s core competency. Its Google Cloud offers cloud services suitable for businesses, such as Google Workspace and Google Cloud Platform.

The Google Cloud Platform offers infrastructure, data, analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cybersecurity technology. Tools for secure communication and teamwork provided by the company include Gmail, Docs, Drive, Calendar, Meet, and other apps.


Let me begin by providing an update on the figures I used in my earlier columns. My argument on those earlier occasions was based on the supposition that Google’s price/earnings ratio will decline from its current triple-digit levels over the next five years and that investors need a sizeable return to make up for the excessive risk associated with the stock.

I demonstrated that, under these presumptions, Google’s earnings would need to increase at an excessively rapid rate. For instance, I argued in early February that if Google’s p/e in 2010 is 50 and its stock price increases by 20 percent annually between now and then, then its earnings per share will need to increase by 47.9 percent annually.

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